Pneumoconiosis Compensation Fund Board

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Research Fund Application

Pneumoconiosis Compensation Fund Board (PCFB)
Research Fund
Guide For Applicants

A. Introduction

The Pneumoconiosis Compensation Fund Board (“PCFB”) setsup a research fund (the “Fund”) to support worthwhile projects that are related to the prevention, diagnosis, assessment of disability, treatment and rehabilitation of Pneumoconiosis and/or Mesothelioma in Hong Kong.

This guidance note aims to provide general information to potential applicants of the Fund with an overview of the objectives of the Fund and the relevant application requirements. In addition to the information provided in this guidance note, PCFB may issue supplementary information and guidance notes from time to time. Please check the PCFB website for updates before submitting your application.

B. Scope of the Fund

For any application for the Fund, the project must be related to either one of the following aspects of Pneumoconiosis and/or Mesothelioma:

  • prevention
  • diagnosis
  • assessment of disability
  • treatment
  • rehabilitation

Laboratory/Research & Development studies contributing to the above aspects will be considered.

The above aspects may be subject to change and refinement by PCFB. PCFB will also periodically determine the thematic priorities for each aspect. The thematic priorities will be announced concurrently with the open call for applications and will be publicized on PCFB’s website.

The findings of the project must be applicable to Hong Kong and benefit the local Pneumoconiosis and/or Mesothelioma patients or workers of the relevant industry. The application value of the project result to patients and workers directly as well as roadmaps or follow up action plans would be considered a key factor for evaluation of the project.

C. Eligibility for Application

Post-secondary institutions, companies registered under the laws of Hong Kong and individuals are eligible to apply.

Collaborative research is encouraged and co-applicants may work together in a project team.

Overseas applications may also be considered but preference will be given to local applications.

Unless under very special circumstances, PCFB will not consider funding projects which have already received grants from other institution(s). Applicants should declare any duplicate funding in the Fund application forms. Applicants should notify the PCFB Secretariat immediately for any approved grants of similar or related projects.

D. Assessment of Application

Funding applications will be assessed based on the benefits and impacts of projects and whether they demonstrate the ability to achieve the objectives of the Fund. The projects are examined by the Board of PCFB, and/or committee(s) and/or subcommittee(s) may be assigned by the Board from time to time for and on behalf of PCFB. PCFB may invite third-party expert reviewer(s) to give independent professional advice on the project. Under such circumstances, the information submitted to PCFB, including the applicant’s personal information, will be disclosed to the designated party.

The applicant’s background, expertise and experience in relevant research field may also form part of the assessment criteria for PCFB to determine whether to approve the application. PCFB may make inquiries to applicants, invite the applicants to provide further information or documentary evidence or attend interviews during the assessment process.

Applicants shall refer to the relevant practical guidelines published by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (including but not limited to Strengthening Integrity and Accountability - Government Funding Schemes Grantee's Guidebook and Public-Private Partnership Programmes for Healthcare Services - Corruption Prevention Guide for Service Providers) to properly and lawfully apply and utilize the Fund to achieve the objectives of the projects.

The abovementioned criteria are not exhaustive and the Board of PCFB, any committee(s) and/or subcommittee(s) may take into consideration other factors when assessing the funding applications. Applicants will normally be informed within twelve months from the date of the end of the submission period of the final or preliminary result.

Successful applicants (the grantees) would be notified by letter and the grantee together with the serving institution would be required to enter into an agreement with PCFB in such form and on such terms as PCFB shall specify (the “Agreement”).

E. Funding Arrangements for Successful Applications

1. Project Period

Funded projects must start within three months after the agreement be signed unless otherwise be approved by PCFB, and should be completed within the time frame as stated in the project schedule. Extension of the project duration may be considered where properly justified.

2. Funding Limit

Funds may be granted for full or partial support of projects.

PCFB reserves the right to fund any projects by stages.

The maximum amount to be granted for a project is limited to HK$2,000,000 per year.

PCFB retains the sole and final discretion to determine the amount of Fund to be granted.

Special funding arrangements may be considered by PCFB on a case-by-case basis which would be at the sole and absolute discretion of PCFB.

3. Reporting Requirements

Upon obtaining approval of the grant for a project, grantees will generally be required to submit progress reports (usually in every three months) and interim financial reports (usually in every 6 months) during the project period, and a final report and an end-of-project financial statement within two months upon completion of the project. PCFB may require grantees to submit additional reports from time to time.  A detailed reporting schedule will be included in the Agreement.

PCFB may also invite grantees to give formal presentation(s) on any report submitted to the Board of PCFB. This forms part of the reporting requirement and grantees must comply with the request.

For any grantees who fail to comply with the above reporting requirements, PCFB may withhold any future payment or make a request for a full refund (plus interest) of any paid amount of the Fund and report to the grantee’s serving institution.

F. Prevention of Bribery

For applicants of research fund application, you shall ensure that your director, member, agent and employee shall not give or offer any advantages as defined under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance to any agent or employee of PCFB. You are also prohibited from colluding with other bidders in the invitation exercise in whatever forms (e.g. price rigging). Any breach of or non-compliance with these clauses by the applicant shall, without affecting the application’s liability for such breach or non-compliance, invalidate the application.

If the applicant, director, member, employee or agent of the applicant shall be found to have committed an offence under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance in relation to the application or the agreement, PCFB may terminate the agreement without entitling the applicant to any compensation therefore, and the applicant shall be liable for all losses and expenses necessarily incurred by PCFB as the result of such termination of the agreement.

G. Privacy and Personal Data

The personal data provided in the application form will be used by PCFB for the purpose of assessing the applications. For successful applications, such data will also be used for project monitoring, research and statistical analysis, promotion, publicity and dissemination purposes as appropriate.

H. Intellectual Property Rights

The copyright of all reports (including progress reports) and related publications should be assigned to PCFB. PCFB may release these reports with/without notice to concerned party.

The assignment should not preclude in any way normal academic and professional use of research data and documents. Applicants may publish their reports in any peer-reviewed journals or present the reports in public forum and scientific meetings but a copy of such publication should be sent to PCFB afterwards within three months. In all these events, funding and support given to the work by PCFB should be properly acknowledged.

If patent and royalty issues arise in any project, PCFB will enter into separate negotiation with the grantee. The agreed arrangement will be included in the Agreement.

I.  National Security in Hong Kong

The grantee shall take into account his/her duty to safeguard national security. The grantee shall not, and shall ensure that his directors, employees, agents and sub-contractors who are involved in this research project shall not, be engaged in any acts or activities that are likely to constitute or cause the occurrence of offences endangering national security or which would otherwise be contrary to the interest of national security.

J.  Termination of Funded Project and Refund of Payment

1. Under the conditions as listed out in paragraphs (J1a-c) below, PCFB shall have the right to terminate any project by giving the Principle Investigator (PI) and the Institution a written notice at least thirty (30) days before the termination date:

  1. The PI or the Institution failstocompletethe research project satisfactorily within the prescribed time as agreed by PCFB and the PI or the Institution under the signed Agreement (Agreement).
  2. The PI or the Institution fails to discharge all or any of its obligations under the Agreement and such failure continues for more than twenty (21) days from the date of the PCFB’s written notice without being remedied to the satisfaction of PCFB.
  3. The PI or the Institution breaches any of the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement.

2. Under the conditions as listed out in paragraphs (J2a-e) below, PCFB shall have the right to terminate any project immediately by giving the PI and the Institution a written notice.

  1. The related programme/activity involves illegal activities.
  2. The reputation of the PI or the Institution affects the proper conduct of the related programme/activity.
  3. The PI or the Institution has committed or is committing acts that may constitute or lead to crimes against national security or are detrimental to national security.
  4. Continuing to fund the Institution or continuing the execution of the contract/programme agreement is detrimental to national security.
  5. PCFB reasonably believes that any of the above situations is about to occur.

3. For any terminated project, the Institution shall refund to PCFB any unspent amount received under the project or an appropriate portion thereof as PCFB and the Institution shall deem fit within 30 days following the termination.

K. Application procedures

1. Applicants should download the Application Form and Budget Breakdown Form.

2. A completed Application Form with the Budget Breakdown Form should be submitted during the application periods to the PCFB Secretariat together with a detailed proposal stating background information and significance of the project, objectives, plan and methodology, budget breakdown and its justification, time schedule and other information as may be specified in the application form from time to time.

3. At least one editable form in either word or pdf format should be submitted to PCFB.

4.Successful applicants are required to sign an Agreement with PCFB. Such Agreement will set out in detail the conditions of the Fund.

K. Enquiries

Mr. Anthony Chung

15/F Nam Wo Hong Building
148 Wing Lok Street
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Tel: 3578 8102
Fax: 2116 0116      